The Angelina Jolie directed movie to be shot in Kenya,confirms Richard Leakey

Angelina Jolie and Richard Leakey
Angelina Jolie and Richard Leakey

The Angelina Jolie-directed filmed based on the life of Richard Leakey is set to be shot in Kenya according to the renowned conservationist.

Speaking at a press conference, Richard Leakey said;

We will make the film and it will be made in Kenya — for sure. The government told the treasury to make it happen and it is. Kenya needs this film, it will be a double benefit for us.”

Richard Leakey made headlines after he asked Jolie to tone down on the sex and violence, fearing he will not be able to watch it with his grandchildren. He also feared that his request might deter Miss Jolie’s husband Brad Pitt from taking the leading role.

Brad may not like the new script, he was the one having a good time. He might not like the new role – that doesn’t have as much action.” He said.

Meanwhile, Kenya Film Commission boss Chris Foot says he is yet to get an official confirmation that the film will be shot in Kenya.

“It is a win for Kenya. Though I must say, this is yet to be confirmed to me.” He said.

Source: Nairobi wire

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