The Truth behind the Marriage Proposal done in Kabati Muranga.

marraige proposal of a Luo man
marraige proposal of a Luo man

Love has defied odds once again, with the current Kenyan situation, the cessation and travel bans put in place to combat the Novel coronavirus pandemic.

Maxwell Ochieng, a Kenyan Luo allegedly hired a chopper from Wilson airport to Kabati Muranga to propose to his long time girlfriend.

Love has no boundaries and the Maxwell purportedly tried to prove what netizens had a different opinion of.

On Twitter, netizens went on a DCI mission crying foul on the chopper used to bridge two hearts that belong together. Others noted that the plane was from South Africa depending on the number plate while others hailed praises to the man.

Here are some of the noted statement from twitter;

Final Report: The helicopter ZS-RWZ is owned by Zil Air Eurocopter Southern Africa. The helicopter is used for ONLY surveillance within South Africa and is not allowed to fly outside the South African airspace. Conclusion: Those 2 villagers were just passing for their picnic.

More uncertainty in the process of the marriage proposal but we wish the couple good in their lives together.


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