Thieves tries to rob Kayole Police Station

Gang Fails1
Gang Fails1

On Monday night, around 10PM, a group of gunmen stormed into Mihang’o police station, Kayole area with an aim of stealing firearms. Their intentions however, did not succeed as the present officers at the station declined  to surrender their firearms and instead fought back.

The situation got worse for the five gunmen when reinforcement was done from Kayole Divisional Headquarters, which forced them to flee the scene amid fierce exchange of gunfire.

Speaking to the press after the incident, Kayole OCPD Ali Nuno said that one of the gang members was killed, another arrested as the remaining three managed to escape. The one under custody is helping the police investigate further into the issue.

Here are the photos for the crime scene.

Firearms from the crime scene.
Firearms from the crime scene.
Officers taking control

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