TPF Star Alvan Star Opens Up On Quiting Pastoral Job To Join TV Show

Alvan Gitau
Alvan Gitau

Former Tusker Project Fame (TPF) contestant Alvan Gitau has announced he is quit his pastoral job to join the popular singing competition show aired on Citizen TV.

Speaking in an interview with MC Jessy on Gatitu who has since become a Tik Tok sensation stated, at the time he got to audition for TPF he had stepped down as a pastor in his church.

“I left for many reasons, but one thing is I did not agree with the church’s doctrine. It caused so much damage in my life and I questioned what was the purpose of being used by the church to get the masses when I was having some much turmoil in my life,” he said.

He revealed in that period he got into drinking and would at times perform while having hangovers.

“I just left and coincidentally a friend of mine handed me a brochure for the singing competition to go and audition,” he lauded.

The tik tok star added that he left early for the auditions and did not tell anyone where he was going. He was eventually picked to star in the show.

Alvan Gitau
Alvan Gitau

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