Trumps Statement That Focuses On Most African Countries.


Ever since the pandemic was discovered, most westerners have been wondering how it is that they have  most cases with all best health systems and more professionals than Africa and still they lead in the number of deaths and confirmed cases of Corona.

To some they said its because Africans receive less than minimal travel flights to the western or eastern world leading to less cases. But Trump has another theory to it all.
With USA having recorded over a million Covid 19 cases so far and deaths just over 50,000 people and still increasing, Trump has gone ahead and said  that’s the case cause they have a more aggressive form of testing than most countries do.

“The only reason the U.S. has reported one million cases of CoronaVirus is that our Testing is sooo much better than any other country in the World. Other countries are way behind us in Testing, and therefore shows fewer cases!” Trump said via twitter.

Kenya has recorded 384 cases and still rising with 129 recoveries and 14 deaths so far.

Tanzanians case is increasing at a really unprecedented rate while the other East African countries seem to be handling the pandemic really well.

Its a wake up call to most countries to invest more on testing every single area for surety that the virus is not developing under people’s noses. president

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