United States Issues a Travel Advisory To It’s Citizens Against Kenya

President Uhuru on the left and US president on the right

Unites States issued a travel advisory to its citizens against travelling to Kenya.

In a statement shared on US Department of State on Thursday, April 6, the advisory warned US citizens over surging Covid-19 cases in Kenya, ranking it at level 4.

It further listed crime and terrorism among some of the major issues why the travelers should exercise caution before jetting into the country.

“Do not travel to Kenya due to Covid-19. Exercise increased caution in Kenya due to crime, terrorism, health issues, and kidnapping. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Level 4 Travel Health Notice for Kenya due to COVID-19,” read part of the statement.

The advisory further noted the police are willing, but often lack the capability to respond effectively to serious criminal incidents and terrorist attacks.

“Due to terrorism concerns, U.S. government personnel are prohibited from traveling to the Kenya-Somalia border counties and some coastal areas.”

President Uhuru on the left and US president on the right

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