Woman Who Boiled Stones For Hungry Children Gets A House Worth KSh1.4M

Penina Kitsao at her new home

A Mombasa woman, Penina Bahati Kitsao, who boiled stones to feed her children, is now a happy woman after well-wishers built her a six-room house in Mishomoroni area, Mombasa County.

Unable to hide her joy, the widow said that it is through prayers that God touched the generous Kenyans to support her.

Penina said the journey had not been easy because there were so many obstacles, but she thanked all those who highlighted her plight and came through for her. She said her family would occupy three bedrooms as they rent the remaining three.

Penina, whose husband was killed by a gang last year was struggling to provide for her family. Having no job, Penina used to do laundry locally but was greatly affected by the outbreak of Covid-19.

The widow said she had tried looking for jobs to put food on the table, all in vain.


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