Wycliffe Oparanya and Fred Matiangi Appointed Among Others on COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund.


The President Uhuru Kenyatta, through a letter from the government spokeswoman, appointed Wycliffe Oparanya incumbent governor of Kakamega county together with Fred Matiangi for the position of the newly formed committee that deals with emergency respond fund set aside to curb COVID-19 pandemic

The Kakamega governor took on twitter to thank the president on the new task granted to him.

I thank president Uhuru Kenyatta for appointing me as a representative of the Government of Kenya on the newly constituted COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund. The president’s confidence in my leadership cannot be taken for granted.

Other appointees in this committee are

  • Ms. Jane W. Karuku as the chairperson
  • Mr. Michael joseph
  • Dr. James Mwangi
  • Dr. Narenda Raval
  • Mr. Joshua Oigara
  • Mr. Jeremy Awori
  • Mr. Wachira Waruru
  • Mr. Mohammed Hersi
  • Ms. Philis Wakiaga
  • Mr. Kennedy w. Kihara

the function to be undertaken in this committee includes

  • The principal object of the fund shall be to mobilize resources for emergency response towards containing the spread, effects, and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The seed capital of the fund shall be drawn from the exchequer including the voluntary salary cuts undertaken by the senior ranks of the Executive, Judiciary, Legislature, and County governments.
  • Equally, the kitty will be supplemented by donations from individuals and corporate entities, grants from Kenya’s development partners and multinational institutions.
  • Other gifts, subscriptions, and contributions that the kitty may receive continuously will also go towards boosting response to the coronavirus pandemic

President Kenyatta further said that the initial allocation of the fund will be derived from monies received from government officials who committed to voluntary pay cuts to help in ongoing efforts to fight the virus with Kenya having recorded 50 cases as on Monday, March 30.





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