Zari Hassan Claims Son Is Not Gay, Lectures Tanzanians In Bitter Rant

Zari Hassan and Son Raphael Junior

Businesswoman Zari Hassan is furious after people started trolling and making fun of his son Raphael Junior after he came out and revealed he is gay.

Zari maintained that her son is not gay but opted for the gay tag to defend himself against older women seducing and sending him nudes on Instagram.

The mother of five went on to say that if it turns out that her son is actually gay, she will fully support him. She added that Raphael has a girlfriend, and his statement was blow out of proportion.

“There have been videos of my son trending where he came out to claim that he is gay. And it’s been blow out of proportion and lets clear one thing. Raphael is not Gay, he is dating and he actually started dating since he was like 14…he is not Gay, but for example, if Raphael turned out to be Gay today, as his parent, his mom, it’s something am gonna support him through. It’s my duty as a parent because that would be a choice that he has made, a life he has decided to live, to be gay but for now, we gonna clear that air to say Raphael is not gay” Zari Hassan clarified.

Ms Hassan also lectured Tanzanians and netizens at large, telling them to keep off her son and stop dictating how she should live with her family.



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