23-Year-Old Arrested With Fresh Human Head At Parliament In Uganda.

23 year old caught with fresh human head claiming it's a gift to the speaker in Uganda
23 year old caught with fresh human head claiming it's a gift to the speaker in Uganda

A 23-year-old man was arrested with fresh human head at the parliament building in Uganda.

It is said the young man was attempting to present the fresh child’s head to the office of the speaker before he was caught.

According to the witnesses, the head was wrapped in form of a gift ready to to be delivered to the speaker’s office, Hon. Rebecca Kadaga.

The man whose identity was not disclosed was intercepted at the entrance. Upon being interrogated by guards on what he was carrying, he said it was a gift for the speaker.

The curios security officers were then forced to open it, only to find a fresh human head.He calmly insisted it was a gift with his intentions to deliver the head as a gift still unclear.

It is said the man was later paraded with the human head that he was carrying as they sought to see who would identify him before he was whisked away into custody.

The man is said to be currently in lawful custody at Kibuli Police CID Headquarters as investigations are ongoing to unveil why he wanted to present the head to the speaker or who sent him.

23 year ol caught with fresh human head claiming it's a gift to the speaker in Uganda
23 year old caught with fresh human head claiming it’s a gift to the speaker in Uganda

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