27-Year-Old Lady Bites KDF soldier To Death

Police Vehicles at a crime scene
Police Vehicles at a crime scene

A 37-year-old officer stationed at Gilgil Kenya Defense Forces camp died last night at his house in Kahawa Wendani, Kiambu county after his wife bite his thumb, chest, and shoulder.

According to the DCI post, a tiff over unestablished matter ensued between him and his 27-year-old wife at midnight before the sad incident occurred.

The wife who is identified as Violet Asale resorted to using her teeth as a lethal weapon thus cutting short her husband’s life.

It is also reported after she realized that the man was dying, she rushed him to Kahawa Garrison health center where he passed away before arriving. His body was already cold.

As his body awaits postmortem, Violet who was arrested remains in custody as a suspect of murder while investigations go on.

This incident comes barely two weeks after a 24 years woman killed 3 men and sucked their blood.

The rate of Gender based violence has been on the rise with experts attributing it to the tough times caused by the dwindling economy that has been disabled by COVID-19.

Crime scene
Crime scene

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