Too much sex leads to underperformance says club Bucharest owner

Bucharest football club

Gigi Becali, the flamboyant owner of Bucharest football club FCSB, formerly known as Steaua Bucharest, thinks he knows what to blame for his team’s recent poor run in the Romanian league: too much of the wrong kind of exercise.

The 1986 European Cup winners, Romania’s most successful club with 26 league titles, have failed to win their last three games, and Becali said the players were having too much sex.

“My players are making love with their girlfriends too often, that’s why they aren’t playing football so well lately,” he told local media after FCSB’s 1-1 home draw against lowly Chindia Targoviste, which left them fourth in the standings, eight points behind leaders CFR Cluj.

The 61-year-old Becali, who made a fortune in real estate after the fall of communism in 1989 and served as a member of the European Parliament, praised CFR Cluj coach Dan Petrescu, a former Chelsea, and Southampton right back, for restoring discipline at the club.

“Look at Dan Petrescu,” said Becali. “CFR players have sex only once a week. They meet with women only once a week.”

“If (FCSB striker) Florinel Coman would have rested too … but he is doing other things,” said Becali.

Bucharest football club

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