72-year-old Woman Who Passed Away Days Before Moving Into A House Built by Well-Wishers Has Been Laid To Rest

traditional maasai hut kenya mud

Catherine Cheruyiot, known to residents as Mama Catherine Gogo, who passed away days before she could move into a house that was built by well-wishers has been laid to rest.

Catherine was found staying in a ruined house in Kipsoen, Kamariny Ward, Elgeyo Marakwet County.

This triggered action by residents and well-wishers.

Chebaibai Foundation, which is a Christian based organisation established by Elgeyo Marakwet Women Representative Jane Chebaibai visited the grandmother in her home in July 2020.

“With support from the people of Elgeyo Marakwet County and donations from all well-wishers, we will ensure that Gogo gets a good house,” the organisation stated.

The story made rounds on social media and the area governor Alex Tolgos donated tonnes of sand and stones for building.

The house was finished, but before she could move in, she fell ill and passed away.

granny house keiyo
The completed house for Mama Catherine Gogo


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