Duke of Edinburgh Prince Philip Has Died

Prince William the Duke if Edinburgh is dead
Prince William the Duke if Edinburgh is dead

Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, and husband to Queen Elizabeth has died aged 99. The Buckingham Palace has confirmed the sad news.

It is said  he had been in and out of the hospital with health complications and was reported to be deteriorating for a period of time.

The UK flags on public and landmark buildings have been lowered to half-mast as a sign of honor and respect to the royal.

The last time he was seen in public was in late 2020 during the Roya; Marines Parade that was held at Buckingham Palace after which it was reported he had been ill in the hospital for 4weeks.

The prince married Princess Elizabeth in 1947, five years before she became Queen, and was the longest-serving royal consort in British history.

The royal leader has left behind four children, eight grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.

May His soul rest in peace.

Prince William the Duke if Edinburgh is dead
Prince William the Duke if Edinburgh is dead

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