Tahidi High’s Omosh Begs for Menial Jobs Again

Omosh Begs for Menial Jobs Again

Tahidi High actor Kinuthia Kamau aka Omosh has yet again pleaded with Kenyans to offer him menial jobs.

In an interview on Friday, June 25, the actor stated that he used the money he had been given to pay up loans.

The thespian went on to say that he received less than a million shillings, which he used to settle his debts, claiming that some of those who pledged did not keep their end of the bargain.

“I am ready to even work as a sweeper before I bounce back. You can reach me through my contacts,” the actor stated.

“I just want a camera, tripod, two lights and a microphone and I will be okay,” he added.

He stated that he attended a fellowship on Wednesday and Thursday in a bid to avoid taking alcohol which he previously mentioned had turned him into an alcoholic.

The actor’s request comes just months after Kenyans overwhelmingly donated monetary gifts, shopping vouchers, a free bed, and seats, among other things, to him.

He had revealed that he was struggling to get a financial footing because of unemployment coupled with alcohol abuse.

He added that he was kicked out over Ksh150,000 rental arrears.

Omosh Begs for Menial Jobs Again

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