A couple Caught Selling “Changaa” to School Children Arrested During Crackdown

couple selling changaa arrested
couple selling changaa arrested

A couple were on Sunday evening arrested in a crackdown on chang’aa conducted at Kadika village ,Suna East sub county.

A litre of changaa and rolls of bhang were seized during the crackdown down led by Suna East and Suna West sub counties community policing chairperson Nashon Onduro.

Speaking to Radio Ramogi, Onduro said the suspect identified as Omondi Olendo and his wife were found selling chang’aa and bhang within their homestead.

Several people had been drinking at the homestead.

Onduro said the husband and wife duo were arrested while five people including two form four students and a police officer managed to escape.

The community policing chairman said the four students who escaped included the son of the suspects and while three others found consuming chang’aa are his classmates.

The police officer who was found in the drinking den is a member of the community, but he is not attached to Migori County.
The suspects were handed over to the Migori police station alongside the exhibit which was seized during the crackdown.

Meanwhile, the community policing chairman has expressed concern over students spending time in chang’aa drinking den at a time when they should be studying.

He has appealed to the parents to take good control of their children at this time when they are on holiday at home.

couple selling changaa arrested
couple selling changaa arrested

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