A Save Gone Sour, Man Drowns In Attempt To Rescue His Sister

Police vehicle at a crime scene
police vehicle at a crime scene

A 30-year-old man drowned in attempt to save his dying sister after she jumped into a dam in Gatundia, Laikipia county.

The sister is said to have committed suicide after she got into an argument with her mother over a phone that she had been restricted to use.

In the attempt of saving her, the 30-year-old Waciuri Nderitu divided straight into the dam but too bad he also drowned.

Confirming the incident, the area county commissioner Hezron Nyamberi said the high school girl had left behind a suicide note.

“She jumped into a nearby dam and efforts by her elder brother to save her were futile as he also drowned,” said Hezron.

He also advised youths against taking drastic actions. The pandemic period has drowned the children, youths and even elderly people into depression with several cases being reported of individuals who have opted suicide as the solution.

police vehicle at a crime scenean

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