Actress Catherine Kamau Reveals Daughter’s Face For The First Time


Actress Catherine Kamau, popularly known as Kate Actress has revealed her daughter’s face to the public for the first time, after keeping her baby girl on the low for

The mother of two could not hold back from showing off her daughter through her social media pages, now that she is a year old.

Catherine, who was over the moon as the daughter turned one also revealed her name Karla, since they have only been referring to their daughter as baby K, whenever they shared posts about her on social media.

She stated that baby Karla who was celebrating her first birthday has brought so much joy to their world. Fans believe that baby K is a replica of her mummy.

“Happy First Birthday my toto. KARLA, you have brought so much color to our world. We love you so much. May God protect you and favor you all the days of your life my love,” Kate Actress wrote.


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