Al-shabaab claims 14 more lives in Mandera

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Suspected al-Shabaab militants attacked Soko Mbuzi village in Mandera county at around 1 AM on Tuesday, July 7, 2015. At least 14 people died in the attack.

according to Mandera County Commissioner Alex Nkoyo.

The compound housed primarily quarry workers.

The attack began around 1 a.m. when a group of men using a variety of weapons attacked the compound.

The commissioner said an explosive device — something other than a hand grenade — was used to blow open a gate to the compound. The attackers then entered and started shooting.

Many people were sleeping outside to escape the heat. When the attack began, those who were able to do so ran inside the houses, followed by the gunmen, Nkoyo said.

Those killed were local laborers and workers from other parts of Kenya, he said. A woman, identified as the landlady of the compound, was also among the dead, he said.

Judging by the number of bullets at the attack site, Nkoyo said, the estimated number of attackers was 10 to 15, with more as backup.

The commissioner said local security forces responded within 10 minutes, and as their vehicles approached, the attackers dispersed into the bush and surrounding villages. Some may have crossed the border into Somalia, he said.

Mandera County borders Somalia and Ethiopia.

The attack was part of Al-Shabaab’s Ramadan offensive against Kenya, said the spokesman, speaking on Al-Shabaab’s main broadcaster, Radio Andalus.

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