Are The Police Prepared For The Friday Covid-19 Curfew?

kenya police
kenya police

As the president had given a directive to start a curfew on Friday the big question is whether the tasked entities are well equipped to tackle on this mandate while adhering to Covid 19 containment measures.

“Effective Friday, 27th March 2020, a Daily Curfew from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. shall be in effect in the territory of the Republic of Kenya, with all movement by persons not authorized to do so or not being Medical Professionals, Health Workers, Critical and Essential Services Providers, being prohibited between those hours,” President Kenyatta stated.

The intriguing question is whether this mandated bodies left to enforce this curfew are well equipped with necessary gears and trained in enabling this directive successfully

Do they have the proper gears to combat corona virus are the police well trained mentally and socially with proper PPE to under take this task.

Are there going to adhere to the safety measures placed by government e.g social distancing mostly among themselves while enforcing this curfew.

After a day-long meeting on Wednesday, the National Security Advisory Committee (NSAC) agreed to rope in officers from the General Service Unit (GSU), Kenya Prisons, National Youth Service (NYS) and the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to assist those from the Kenya Police Service.

It was determined that it would not be necessary to involve the Kenya Defense Forces (KDF) in imposing the curfew, for now.

There is a general agreement within government’s security machinery that should infection numbers rise exponentially in the coming days, there would be no option than enforcement of a full lock-down.

While announcing the government’s decision to impose a curfew, President Uhuru Kenyatta warned that he will not hesitate to effect a total lock-down if Kenyans continue ignoring government directives.

kenya police
kenya police

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