Atheist Society of Kenya Promise To Help Churchill Comedian Jemutai Pay Rent Arrears

Churchill show comedian Jemutai
Churchill show comedian Jemutai

The Atheist Society in Kenya has offered to cover Churchill show comedian Stella Jemutai’s rent arrears following her recent exposé on baby daddy Professor Hamo.

This came a day after the female comedian went on social media to expose Prof. Hamo as a deadbeat dad.

In a statement on social media, the society’s president Harrison Mumia asked the entertainer to get in touch with them so they could offer a helping hand.

Mumia said the livelihood of many entertainers had been affected in one way by the pandemic that has rendered the economy almost lame.

It also noted single mothers were heavily affected and urged the government to get a stimulus bursary working for them.

“We ask the Governmentchue to set aside a stimulus grant for single mothers in Kenya. This fund should support single moms struggling with money, health, child care and illness,” part of the statement read.

The chairman also urged the Kenya Films Classification Board and the church to offer support for struggling artists.

Churchill show comedian Jemutai
Churchill show comedian Jemutai

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