Babu Owino Threatens to sue NTV over DJ Evolve’s Interview


Embakasi East Member of Parliament Babu Owino also known as Paul Ongili has responded to an expose done by NTV that featured DJ Evolve health condition after the shooting. DJ Evolve was allegedly shot by Babu Owino at B club early this year January .

Babu Owino has threatened that he will sue The Nation Media Group and Ken Mijungu over the interview he did last week. He has demanded that they should respond to certain conditions laid down by him through his lawyers.

“We have listened to your interview again and again and it is clear that the said Felix ORInda has not disclosed anywhere that he was shot by our client. He has never in any forum as well indicated that he was shot by Babu Owino. The DPP has also admitted that Felix has never issued a statement.” Part of the advocates statement to NTV.

The lawyers noted that NTV interview was committed to destroy Babu’s political career. They claimed Babu had no other option but to heed to court and seek protection unless they publicly apologised to him.

Babu Owino has also accused the media house over defamation of character and wrongly accusing him of shooting DJ Evolve.



That the slanderous, libellous defamatory remarks have caused our client to suffer considerable mental anguish and embarrassment as a result of your aforesaid words and statements which has made him doubt whether he can ever have a fair trial after your illegal actions, ” the letter adds.

“Take notice that if we do not hear from you within Two (2) days from the date of this letter, we have strict and peremptory instructions to institute legal proceedings against you for slanderous and libellous defamation and also for infringing on our dent’s constitutional right to fair hearing and to be presumed innocent. We shall seek appropriate remedies which will include, but not limited to aggravated and exemplary damages as well as costs of the action without any further reference to yourselves.”

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