Breaking: Mali’s President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita Announces Resignation

Malis president Keita
Malis president Keita

Mali’s President, Ibrahim Boubacar and Prime Minister Boubou Cisse were detained by Rebels in what was termed as coup attempt. The two were arrested alongside other top officials.

Jubilant crowds stormed the city center demanding Keita’s resignation while cheering the rebels who made there way to his residence. He was then driven to a military base in Kati town near Bamako, capital city of Mali.

During his appearance on the national television earlier hours of Wednesday, the calm president declared the dissolution of the government and national assembly.

He said he was resigning to avoid “bloodshed”. “I (must) submit to it, because i don’t want any bloodshed,” said Keita.

This came after month-long of political crisis in the west African Country. It was unclear whether the president was still in custody at the Kati base a coincident that it was the same place that brought the 75-year-old to power.

Malis president Keita
Malis president Keita

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