California Man Jailed 200+ Years For Killing Sons in an Insurance Scheme

Man in prison
Man in prison

Alii Elmezayen, 45, drowned his two autistic sons by driving his car off a pier in order to collect on life insurance policies he had taken out on them.

The Californian man was jailed 212 years for murdering his sons just for money.

Ali was driving the family Honda Sedan with his ex wife and two sons inside in San Pedro, south of Los Angeles, on April 9, 2015.

His ex wife was saved by a fisherman who threw a floater to her to prevent her from drowning while Ali escaped death by escaping through an open driver’s side window and swam to the dock as his sons drowned.

Elmezayen collected $260,000 on insurance policies from two companies after the death of his two sons. He then transferred most of his money to Egypt since he’s an Egyptian national. 

According to the authorities, about $80,000 was seized from his US account and was convicted in 2019 of three charges; mail and wire fraud, identity theft and money laundering.

Man in prison
Man in prison

He still faces state charges for the murder of his two sons and attempted murder of his ex-wife. US District Judge John Walter sentenced him to 212 years in prison and denounced what he called the “vicious and callous nature of his crimes.”. 

Walter said, “He is the ultimate phony and a skillful liar, The only regret that the defendant has is that he got caught.”

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