We are classmates only in school, after school everybody finds his or her own class in life.

school life

Life lessons

Have you considered why from the same branch of a tree you have both ripe and unripe fruits? The seeds were released same time, exposed to the same nutrients and environmental conditions. But yet some ripen before others. Identical twins that deliberately wait for each other to be in the same class, engage in the same business-like P-Square (Peter and Paul Okoye) and even wed on the same day, will not get their wives pregnant on the same day. Life is a differentiator. My mind is made up that Life is a class of one.

It is true that in the school of life there are no classmates because Life is a class of one, then why do we look at another and feel inadequate, like we are not where we should be? Why would someone that has been privileged to be in a somewhat lofty position look down on others like he is superior in some way? Life is a class of one. I am in my class for now (it can always change) and you are in yours. Do not sweat over the class others are in because there are no classmates in life. If you like, give yourself double promotion as we do in those days, life will eventually place you in the class you are meant to be.

Do not compare yourself with anyone, because you are in a class of one. There are no classmates in life.

Life is a class of one. Everyone has his unique class in the school of life there are no classmates because Life is a class of one.

school of life

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