Coronavirus cases in Kenya rise to 225


Coronavirus cases in Kenya have risen to 225 after 9 more patients tested positive.

Health CS Mutahi Kagwe,  said the country is not out of danger yet. He said that all the 9 patients are Kenyans who had no history of travel outside the country but were identified through contact tracing.


‘We are not out of danger. We are aware that there are those looking at our figures and celebrating a bit too early.


A comparative review of the countries now being overrun by the virus shows that they were reporting similar figures as we are now. Our 4.6% death rate is within the global range of 6.3% Out figures should there not delude or deceive any of us in to dropping the ball,” said Kagwe.

CS Kagwe noted that five of the patients are from Nairobi and four from Mombasa, and are aged between 9 to 69 years.

The cases of recoveries have risen by 12 bringing the total number of recoveries to 53.

One more patient has also succumbed to COVID-19 in the country, raising the total number of deaths to 10.



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