Ole Lenku and Tobiko on an Allegedly Land Scandal in Kajiado

ole lenku
ole lenku

Residents of Keraropon area in Kajiado County allegedly say that the governor Mr Joseph ole Lenku is planning to grab land set aside for veterinary research, with the backing of Environment CS Keriako Tobiko.

Documents below show that ole-Lenku and Tobiko are targeting the Kenya Veterinary Farm which belongs to the State Department of Livestock and is used as a Quarantine Facility with Sentinel Herd of cattle for research on the Rift Valley Fever.

The land, which is 1,400 acres, was given in trust to the veterinary by the Keekonyoike clan of the Maasai community in 1957.

However, the duo want to decommission the existing Ngong Dumpsite and relocate it to the veterinary farm, a move that will give them a chance to grab part of the land.

“Initially Ole-Lenku’s plan was to build an Integrated waste Management Site funded by the Italian government and the UN habitat. These donors pulled out of the project (Ksh2 billion) because it was not feasible since it had caused an uproar with the residents within the area for public health reasons and was not approved by NEMA,” says a resident who sought anonymity.

Kenya Civil Aviation (KCA) has strongly objected to NEMA granting a license because the dumpsite would be on the flight path.

“It is important to note that dumpsites attract a variety of wildlife especially scavenger birds, which are a hazard to aircraft operations. This dumpsite appears to have been established without consideration of its impact on aviation,” said KCAA in a letter dated February 18, 2020.

Despite the objection from KCAA, National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) and the residents, Ole Lenku went ahead and decommissioned the land, and is planning to start a quarry in part of it.

letter given to the Maasai natives


letter from NEEMA


letter from KCAA



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