Court grants sarah Cohen permission to collect belongings from kitisuru home.


Sarah Wairimu Cohen, the wife of deceased Dutch Tycoon, Tob Cohen, after so much battle and back and forth with the courts because of the nature of her case, She was ordered not to set foot at her Kitisuru home which was declared a crime scene in the case heard at the Milimani Law Courts in Nairobi.she has finally been allowed to access their kitisuru home.

Sarah Wairimu Cohen who is suspected to have murdered her husband. The High Court has allowed Sarah Wairimu Cohen, the wife of deceased Dutch Tycoon, collect some of her belongings from their matrimonial home.
The court allowed the slain wife to collect necessities of items she would require under very strict supervision from the DCI.

“Ms Wairimu is allowed to collect her clothes, shoes, handbags and grooming tools from the premises,” directed Justice Mutuku.
The widow is the main suspect in her husband’s death. She is facing murder charges alongside Peter Karanja.

Cohen’s family lawyers Dunstan Omari and Cliff Ombeta were also present at the mansion-turned-crime-scene to ascertain that the items picked were strictly Wairimu’s personal belongings as at yesterday the twenty seventh day of January of this new year 2020.

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