Jackie Matubia; Laid off and back on


Jacky Matubia, the Ex- T ahidi High actress has landed a new job hardly a week after exiting popular Switch TV show, Chatspot.

There have been rumours running around that she was laid off from switchtv after they stated that they will be laying people off as of Jan 06 2019. “We will be reviewing the existing programming; cancelling and launching new shows; which may affect some of the existing talent,” read part of the email.This begs the question, was Jackie Matubia among the ones laid off from Switchtv?

Well Jackie Matubia took to her Instagram account and said “Good morning lovely people it was an honour gracing your screen…Thank you @switchtvke for the platform. To my fans I love you guys and will be gracing the screens soon bigger and better…Tuzidi,”

But a few days from this happening, Jackie Matubia seems to have landed another hosting Job at Rembotv. She recently posted “To all my fans told you I will be back, bigger and better introducing E-zone with Jackie @ezonewithjackie only on Rembo Tv every single day starting this Monday see you guys there, ”

E-zone that is to air on Rembotv everyday is n entertainment show that will seem.to be serving fans some good good celebrity news. Its to be airing as from yesterday 27th Jan 2020 hence forth and on a daily basis.

Well its good luck to Jacky Matubia. Father Luck seems to really be smiling on her.

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