CS Magoha Has Accused WHO Of Doublespeak Regarding Reopening Of Schools

Magoha nairobi news
Magoha nairobi news

On Monday 24 August, Education CS Magoha accused the World Health Organisation (WHO) of doublespeak considering the reopening of schools amid the pandemic.

Addressing the press in Kitale where he had gone to asses the level of readiness of a local technical institution to re-open, he dismissed calls for reopening of schools claiming it is still not safe.

He shun down the calls of WHO and UNICEF for reopening learning institutions in Africa stating lives of learners are important.

“Do you think it is our president and his government who have interests of our children at heart or is it WHO and UNICEF? The same WHO is double-speaking, I am Magoha son of Magoha and you can take it to the bank,” said Magoha.

“They have given us protocols which we must do (sic) but they think because we are Africans it’s okay we can ignore. Is someone trying to use us guinea pigs or what? i think as far as am concerned as government we love our children,” he added.

He however said plans are underway to see schools re-open.

Magoha nairobi news
Magoha nairobi news

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