CS Magoha: Schools Will Reopen Any Time, Brace Yourselves

George Magoha
George Magoha

The Education Cabinet Secretary George Magoha, has alerted parents and even students to prepare themselves for earlier reopening of schools not as stated January 2021.

The CS said while assessing the level of preparedness at the Wote Technical Training College in Makueni County.

He noted the COVID-19 committee will meet to make plans on new reopening dates if  the curve flattens in a fortnight or three weeks.

“We are observing the curve and when it hits 5% in the next three weeks, we then can sit down and make hard decisions. We really must get our children to schools. We want to see whether we can re open earlier and conditions will determine,” said Magoha.

He however persisted the choice of reopening was solely based on President Uhuru Kenyatta’s decision.

George Magoha
George Magoha

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