Deputy President William Ruto urges employers not to sack employees during this pandemic


Deputy President William Ruto earlier today encouraged employers in the private sector from sacking their staff amid the coronavirus outbreak.

DP Ruto, addressing the press at his Karen residence, urged company managements to adjust their systems to allow all staff  to work in shifts.

He also urged Kenyans not to underestimate the Coronavirus pandemic and to comply with government directives.

“We want to appeal to the private sector to be compassionate and understanding to our people; and particularly to employers to make necessary adjustments to safeguard jobs and endeavor not to lay off staff,” he said.

He also urged farmers to come out strongly and take advantage of the rains to continue to grow crops

“Our farmers, in their millions, should come out strongly and take advantage of the good rains that we continue to experience and grow as much food as is possible.”

He continued to say that the government was putting effort to equip medical professionals with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) so as to enable them perform their duties without being compromised.

He also warned Kenyans of a possible rise in Coronavirus.


“In preparation for the possible escalation of the numbers of Covid-19 cases, the government has designated and equipped different hospitals and other facilities, including the 600-bed capacity Kenyatta University hospital, while every county has been tasked to do the same with their health facilities around the country,” he stated.



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