DJ Shiti welcomes His newborn baby girl


Comedian DJ shiti also known as Steven Oduor Ndede and his girlfriend welcomes a beautiful bouncing baby girl. The renown actor revealed the baby’s name as Marian Auma Oduor Dede.

He made the announcement through his social media page. The post has since been deleted. This has shocked most of his fans as Shiti never talks about his family.

In a recent interview with Jalang’o, Dj Shiti said that his famlily is the reason he works very hard. However, he did not reveal whether he is married or not. Shiti has always been a private person hence the reason he deleted the post.

DJ shiti first came to limelight when he was featured on house wives of Kawangware programme replacing Njugush. Since then he has been doing well in the comedy industry.




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