Djele Djele hit maker “ Akothee” offers to pay size 8 mum’s return ticket

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Tough times for size 8! it is in the recent past that that the widely celebrated vibrant Kenyan gospel celebrity took it to the public in a quest for request to raise 2.5 million Kenyan shillings to aid in the kidney transplant for her ailing mother in India.

Words of pledges broke the internet some which read:

“A sister who has made us laugh, as a sister who always entertain us, now she is in need, kindly let’s support @size8reborn to raise funds for her mum”

Unfortunately, friends and fellow Kenyan celebrities that were to gather at the NPC church for the simama na size 8 fundraising didn’t turn up as anticipated!

It is after this disappointment that the famous Djele Djele hit maker Akothee has offered to pay mama size 8s return ticket as she also wished her a very quick recovery.

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