Electricity Consumers To Pay Ksh1.20 More in The Latest Review

Kenya power employee at work
Kenya power employee at work

Kenyans should brace themselves for tough times as electricity bills are expected to rise in the March 2021 review.

With the new rates, electricity consumers will have to pay Ksh1.20 more per unit to Kenya Power which will translate to over Ksh1 Billion for the utility company.

This comes after the sudden hike in fuel prices with super petrol, diesel, and kerosene increasing by Kshs.7.63, Kshs.5.75, and Kshs.5.41 per litre respectively.

According to reports, the jump is the highest in nearly two years. The increase is accredited to the fuel prices especially diesel that is used in the power plant.

In addition, the foreign exchange fluctuation increased slightly to Ksh0.77 per KWh, compared to Ksh0.66 previously.

Kenya power employee at work
Kenya power employee at work

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