Equity CEO has surprised Kenyans after he donated Sh 300 million towards fighting COVID -19.

james Mwangi
james Mwangi

The family of Equity Group Chief Executive Officer Dr. James Mwangi has donated Ksh.300 million to an initiative geared towards providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to medical staff dealing with Covid-19 in public hospitals.

Equity Bank also donated Ksh.300 million while the Mastercard Foundation contributed Ksh.500 million to the initiative.

Speaking while announcing the initiative, Mwangi said the funds would be used to purchase personal protective equipment (PPEs) to frontline medical staff dealing with COVID-19 patients in public hospitals in Kenya.

“It started when my attention was drawn to a group of students and doctors who were raising funds for PPE’s for young post graduate students especially in Kenyatta National and Referral Hospital (KNH),” said Dr. Mwangi.

“When I shared the need with my family, a robust discussion revealed the urgency to holistically address the issue as it was not prudent to provide the PPEs to students without also focusing on the plight of the doctors, nurses, clinical officers, and medical staff.”

james Mwangi
james Mwangi

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