Express Way Inakuja: Nairobi Railways Club Given Eight Hours To Vacate Its Premises The Magufuli Style!

Nairobi Express Way Artistic
Nairobi Express Way Artistic

The Nairobi Express way has come with a lot of changes along the Uhuru – Mombasa Road highway. The sh62Billion project which began late 2019 is meant to sort the perennial traffic between Mlolongo and Rironi near Limuru.  It will also be a game changer for Nairobi’s Skyline.

With these developments, comes sacrifice. Express way is expected to be complete by 2022 and heads must roll.

Also read; Luna Park Makes Demand Before Eviction.

The Nairobi Railways Clubs has been issued an eight-hour vacation notice by KeNHA or face an ‘automated’ eviction.

A Gazette Notice that was issued on March 12, 2020, ordered the club to vacate and pave way for the construction of the road.

“In pursuance of the Land Act, 2012, part VIII. The National Land Commission on behalf of Kenya National Highways Authority gives notice that the Government intends to acquire the following parcels of land for the construction of Nairobi Express-way Road,” it read.

“Further to the Gazette Notice no. 2161 of 2020, a presidential order has been issued to the Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) to enter into and acquire the premises (Nairobi Railways Club) beginning September 15, 2020, for the commencement of the project Nairobi Expressway Road,” reads part of letter signed by KeNHA AG. CEO Pharis Ngotho.

According to KeNHA Director general Peter Mundinia, the express-way will play an instrumental role in the journey to attain the aspirations of the Kenya Vision 2030 — to make Kenya a globally competitive and prosperous country with a high quality of life by 2030.

The Nairobi Express Way Artistic Representation
The Nairobi Express-Way Artistic Representation

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