Fake Doctor Mugo Wa Wairimu Sentenced To 3 Years In Prison


Fake doctor Mugo wa Wairimu has been sentenced to 3 years in prison, or to pay a fine of Ksh1.4 million.

The ruling against Wairimu was delivered on Wednesday, October 28, by Nairobi Senior Resident Magistrate, Martha Nanzushi.

Mugo was found guilty of running a medical clinic without a licence.

He was accused of illegally operating an unregistered pharmacy and managing a medical laboratory without a license from Kenya Medical Laboratory Practitioners.

Wairimu was arrested on 10 September 2015 in a hotel in Limuru while on the run after being exposed on national television. He allegedly raped a female patient at his Clinic in Githurai.

The questionable doctor may have worked at the Chiromo Mortuary in 1996. He is said to have made a fortune after selling a luxury casket to an unintended buyer and even chopping the legs of a body in order to fit in the coffin.

It was discovered that the quack doctor was a nursing student at the University of Nairobi (UoN).



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