Former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko Saumu Mbuvi To Run For Nairobi Women Rep

Saumi Mbuvi, Mike Sonko's Daughter
Saumi Mbuvi, Mike Sonko's Daughter

Saumu Mbuvi first daughter of former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko says she will vie for Nairobi woman representative in 2022.

Speaking to Radio Jambo, Saumu said her dad is her best mentor and she will always do things that she feels are inspired by him.

“I want to join politics like my dad and actually, I will vie for woman representative the next General Election,” she said.

“He is a father and a good dad. As a politician’s child, I fear being broke and that is why I am working so hard everyday,”she added.

When asked what different things she will do as a woman representative, Saumu listed her priorities.

“I will make sure mental health is taught in all schools. We do not want to have these cases of children killing parents or each other.”

“Sanitary pads have to be given out for free. I will basically do things that will be of help to the girls, which will be a good thing.”


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