Former NTV News Anchor Lands New Job At K24


Harith Salim, former NTV Swahili News Anchor, has joined K24 TV five months after the termination of his contract with the Nation Media Group.

On Wednesday, December 2, Salim said he was excited to start a new chapter in his life and career.

“I can’t wait to start this new venture,” Salim said.

The anchor joined K24 TV Swahili news desk where he will carry out various roles such as reporting, anchoring and coordinating various digital projects.

The Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC) allegedly approached the anchor with a job offer as it focused on growing its audience capacity.

Salim was laid off alongside his counterparts Ken Mijungu and Debarl Inea on 3 July 2020.

In the past few months, most of the affected media personalities in the mass layoffs are journalists drawn from the TV division comprising KTN and KTN News as well as from the Standard Group’s print division.



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