Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria Arrested in Night Raid For Allegedly Flouting Curfew

Gatundu MP Moses Kuria with other politicians
Gatundu MP Moses Kuria with other politicians

Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria spent the night in cell after he was arrested for allegedly violating Covid-19 rules.

It is said that the People’s Empowerment Party party leader was nabbed for holding a meeting over the upcoming Juja by-election at a hotel.

He was apparently in the company of 60 others. According to digital strategist Dennis Itumbi, the MP held a meeting at Havilla hotel.

The former state House operative claims the legislator was arrested in a bid to intimidate his party candidate who is challenging President Uhuru Kenyatta’s candidate for the MP seat.

Itumbi, just like Kuria who supports the Hustler movement led by Deputy President William Ruto, wondered why the owners of the establishment were not apprehended.

The government has banned all in person meetings including political gatherings. Hotels have also been barred from serving customers but can only offer take-away services.

Gatundu MP Moses Kuria with other politicians
Gatundu MP Moses Kuria with other politicians

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