German Man Accused of Killing His Kenyan Girlfriend Found Dead in Kilifi

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A German man has been found dead in the suburbs of Mtwapa town, Kilifi county, where he was being sought by police for allegedly killing his girlfriend at their home.

Krabbe Dietter Gunther’s body was discovered on the ground floor of a five-story building in Kiembeni on Saturday, May 29, according to Kilifi county commander Nelson Taliti.

“The man had a fight with the woman in their house on Wednesday night. He killed her and then ran away,” Taliti said. “His body was found at around 6am on Saturday by members of the public, who then alerted the police.”

Taliti further noted it had not been established if the man had booked a room in the hotel before committing suicide.

He also said they had also not yet established how long the foreigner had been in the country. Cynthia June Akinyi, who was Gunther’s girlfriend, was discovered dead on Thursday, May 27.

The 34-year lady’s body was found wrapped in a bed-sheet and hidden under a bed in a house in Mtomondoni, Kwa Chief neighbourhood.

Her body was found a few hours after the suspect allegedly fled with luggage from an apartment in which they lived together.

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