H_art The Band To Feature Khaligraph Jones In Their Latest Song “Watabonga”

H art The Band
H art The Band

The famed band, H_art the Band is set to feature the BET nominee and OG himself Khaligraph Jones in their new project dubbed “Watabonga”. This comes just an year after they released their album ‘Made in The Streets’ with its hit single El-Shaddai.

The song is a remind that in relationships, people can still stick together through the hurt, noise drama and hurdles that might come present to them. It chooses to state that one should always choose their partner first no matter the situation.

The song had been co- authored by Mordecai and Bensoul of Sol Generation a few years ago. It is set to be included in their album dubbed ‘Made in The Streets’.
Fellow band member Skoko was ectastic of the video to the song ‘Watabonga’ claiming that dreams do come true if you realise that having the dream is only the start.

“To have a dream is just the beginning. Starting out, we used to walk miles almost every day to make ends meet and today, we hired a chopper for a full day just to shoot a video. Mind you, we didn’t even board it.” Skoko was quoted saying.

H art The Band
H art The Band

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