Hearing of Garissa Governor Ali Korane’s Corruption Case Postponed to July

Garissa Governor Ali Korane

The hearing of a graft case against Garissa Governor Ali Korane has been postponed to July 28, after one of the witnesses was stood down.

Chief Magistrate Douglas Ogoti stood down Victor Ogutu because the defense did not have the documents the prosecution is relying on to prosecute the case against the Governor and his co-accused.

Ogoti said it will not be fair to proceed with the hearing if the defense does not have documents being referred to by the witness.

In the case, Governor Korane and four members of his administration have been charged with suspicion of committing economic crimes.

The accused allegedly embezzled a grant of Ksh.233.5 million issued to the county by the World Bank for the Financial Year 2018/2019.

The grant was to be used to construct Qorahey market, re-carpet Garissa township roads, and install storm water drainage and pedestrian walkways as part of the Kenya Urban Support Programme.

The first witness, Victor Ogutu, told the court that 45 counties were to benefit from the program under World Bank.

Garissa Governor Ali Korane

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