Webuye West ODM Chairman Ali Waziri is Dead

Webuye West ODM Chairman, Ali Waziri

Webuye West ODM Chairman, Ali Waziri has died.

ODM announced Waziri’s death on Monday, May 7, via Twitter but did not share more details on the cause of his death.

“We mourn the passing on of our Life Member & Chairman of the Webuye West Branch Hon. Ali Waziri. Mr. Waziri is a founder-member of the ODM Party. His dedication & commitment to the growth of the party as well as his loyalty made him a dependable man in Western. We shall miss him,” ODM tweeted.

The party described Waziri as a dependable leader in the Western region because of his commitment and dedication to the growth of ODM. Waziri was a founding and life member of the Orange party.

According to ODM Secretary-General Edwin Sifuna, the party has lost a man who was a mentor to many as they began their political careers, including himself.

“My deepest condolences to the family and friends of my friend Ali Waziri who passed on this morning. May he rest in Peace,” Sifuna said.

Waziri’s death comes a few days after ODM lost its Roysambu Constituency Youth leader Calvince Swa.

The party mourned Swa, terming him as a dedicated and instrumental member of the ODM family.

“The cruel hand of death has robbed us of one of our vibrant youth leaders, a sociable man and a staunch supporter of our party. Mr. Calvince Swa was until his death the OYL Leader for Roysambu Constituency. We shall miss his zeal in championing for the party’s growth,” ODM tweeted.


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