Hollywood star(David Harewood)raise awareness about climate change in Kenya

david harewood homeland on set
david harewood homeland on set

Known for his role  as director of the CIA in the hit series HOMELAND,David Harewood is a man concerned with his planet.He recently made a film with Cafod, the Catholic Agency For Overseas Development, to raise awareness about climate change

David Harewood in Kenya

I traveled to northern Kenya to see the effects of climate change in the communities there. It was just mile after mile of complete devastation. There were just clouds of orange dust, and we went through village after village and all we saw was dead cattle and dead goats covered in orange dust. Because the entire economy is based on trading cattle it was almost like the equivalent of a stock market crash. There was nothing to trade. And so no money. It was very shocking and humbling. Those people had lived on that land for centuries. Generations had lived there and passed on their traditions and now it was uninhabitable. And it had happened almost overnight

The film was shot by Ridley Scott and there were people talking about what we might lose with climate change. What we’d miss most. For me, I remember going to Barbados last year with my mother which is where she’s originally from. And she said: “It never used to be this hot.” And that idea that in the future my kids wouldn’t even be able to sit out in the sun in Barbados, where their grandmother came from, struck me as a very sad loss.

I’m in America at the moment and here there are still huge lobbies of people who just refuse to accept it. That scares me. Particularly since many of them are very powerful industry lobbies. We’re shielded from it in our first-world countries. Water just comes out of the tap. It’s only when you go to places like Kenya where I’d walk into the hotel at the end of the day, covered head to toe in dust, desperate for a shower and be given a single bucket of water that you begin to realize that those luxuries will be taken from us if we’re not careful. And we’re going there quicker than we think.

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