I ask for no more, Just a chance to watch you re-introduce yourself in 2019; Dennis Itumbi to Jackie Maribe on her Birthday.

20191218 125004
20191218 125004

Dennis Itumbi is the Secretary of Innovation, Digital and Diaspora Communication in the Office of the President of the Republic of Kenya,based in State House Nairobi. He is Kenya’s foremost and most visible and influential digital strategist and blogger.
Rumor had it that the TV presenter Jackie Maribe was romantically involved with Dennis Itumbi who works as the Director of Digital Communication in the Office of the President. The two personalities have been close friends as well as long-term career mates. What made many think that the two were lovers was a picture that went viral of the two kissing in public. Moreover, on one afternoon of 18th December 2015, Mr. Itumbi surprised Maribe with a birthday cake while she was live on TV reading the lunch time news. But as it turned out Jackie Maribe engaged to someone else news confirmed that the two are just friends.
Despite the many and various shortcomings that have mired Jackie Maribe’s life, Dennis Itumbi has always proven to be a true friend to Jackie, in what would now be termed as a BFF. Many at times the strategies Dennis Itumbi would face Kenyan social media trolls but this hasn’t tampered with the friendship an inch.
On Jackie Maribe’s Birthday seventh day of December, Dennis Itumbi was not left behind in leading the sirens celebrations this is what he had to say.
I wrote this one late, Kindly carry it to the car as you go to court today, That is why I slip this under your door, Happy Birthday Jacque Maribe, Been standing outside your door, With pen and notebook, Thinking how Tragic a year you had, Impressed by the Magic you have, Aware that like someone said, A challenge, only becomes an obstacle when you bow to it. So here my birthday note, At least one day this year find a very rainy mid-morning, I will come with an umbrella, So that, I can hold just one raindrop for you, place it on your bicep and watch it roll down. I ask for no more, Just a chance to watch you re-introduce yourself in 2019, With your wounds – Yes. With your visible scars – Yes. But with fresh stamina.. Undettered passion Because you are, Jacque Maribe. Happy Birthday!

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