iPhone Users: Apple To Launch Subscription Services With New iPhones Come October

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Apple is planning to release a bunch of subscription services along with the latest iPhones in October 2020.

As reported by Bloomberg, the service named ‘Apple One’ internally will likely not necessarily be known as such.

The subscription is said to be ranked with the most fundamental comprising; a combo of Apple Music and TV, addition of Apple Arcade in the next level and Apple News in the third tier. An addition of extra i Cloud storage in the highest tier.

The top-most tier subscription services are rumoured to contain as-yet seen fitness from Apple. In this, users will be able to access  virtual lessons and workouts via iOS app and Apple TV.

It is reported the services will be mostly marketed towards families and will work together with Apple family so as to make sure the services become cheaper unlike buying as an individual.

“For example,  if a family subscribes today to all of Apple’s major services plus the highest i Cloud storage tier, that would cost $45 a month. A new bundle could knock more than $5 off that,” stated Bloomberg in a post.

Details such as pricing haven’t been released yet as changes could still be expected before it is launched.

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