Jacqueline Wolper is worried about age catching up with her single.

Jacqueline Wolper
Jacqueline Wolper

Bongo movie actress and fashion icon Jacqueline Wolper is worried sick that she is aging without any sign of a man showing interest in settling with her.

She further went on a public online hunt for a man to be her husband and father to her kids.

“It is now my time, 2020 and 2021 to have a child” she declared.

However, what is delaying me is finding the right man.

Nothing pains me as much as seeing single mothers who have now become so many. No one should lie to you because nothing is as precious as the love of a mother and a father to a child as well as respect. “said Wolper

The actress who had a bad breakup with bongo artist Harmonize.

Their break up was as a result of cheating allegations an rumors that flooded their relationship. There was nothing pretty about their very public and nasty break. According to Wolper, Harmonize cheated on her with his current Italian wife Sarah.

Jacqueline Wolper is seemingly not happy that her bongo ex-boyfriend Harmonize is married to Sarah .

The two were said to have officially married in September last year. However, according to the musician’s manager Beauty Mmari alias Mjerumani, the two never wedded. It turned out that he used his fiancée as a video vixen.

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