Jalango responds to Edgar Obare


Felix Odiwour commonly known as Jalang’o is a Kenyan entrepreneur, actor, director, comedian and radio presenter. He is known for his green suit and a leopard print shirt. He is also the CEO of Arena media, an event organizing company. Felix is mostly known for his role as Jalang’o in Citizen TV’s Papa Shirandula


Jalango took to his Instagram and called out youtuber Edgar Obare. He also refuted claims that he wanted to harm Edgar.

“This life is very funny and its not a place for the faint hearted..I never talk alot I only work hard because thats the language I understand, early mornings late nights , sacrifices blood and sweat! When i get the little I get I share it with the less privileged because I know what it means to lack! I dont know why people find it hard to accept that nothing comes easy! There are people out here trying soo hard day and night to bring me down but it will take them a hell lot of work because am not the kind who give up in my grind! Last night I was working past mid night at Raddison Blu Hosting the Bamburi Dealers awards! A blogger wakes up and post that i called him and threatened him? That he meets me at DCI 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I just laugh! From his screen shots there is someone working really hard to try and Tarnish my name, I will not even bother asking or following who you are who talks to blogger and lie to them about me, Just Malice! Pure malice! For you Edgar you dont have to run or delete anything, I have alot in my plate to even bother with you and if you are honest about being threatened you dont post you report. Today has been really funny and I have been laughing the whole time with peoples DM telling me that if anything happens to Obare its me🤣🤣🤣 Boss it has taken us years to be where we are today and I dont think I can want to loose it because of you🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Wake up and work!! Funny enough I see some people believing all this 🤣🤣🤣🤣
1. I was at Milele Fm at 4am upto 10
2. I was working for Quick Mart Roysambu to 11am
3. At 12 I was at Raddison Blue Day 2 Bamburi
4. Tonight Iam Hosting the Unga Limited New year event at Weston. Am here already.
Thats what they dont want to hear…But I always say Haters are fans whose love for me is confused!
Today I went to Obare DM and asked him when I ever called him he has not replied.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
2”, he wrote.

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